Month: January 2019

Mind Over Body

As I’ve mentioned in one or more of my previous ponderous posts, I’m currently in the process of attempting (but not really succeeding) to write the dissertation bit of my MA. In truth it’s not actually my MA. Not yet. I need to write a dissertation first. I also have a full-time job, because I…

Definitively Depressing Democracy

Today is Blue Monday. Apparently, this is what the cool kids now call the third Monday in January. It’s supposedly the most depressing day of the year. And it’s absolutely a real thing and not just some concept originally made up by a travel agent in 2005 to sell more holidays. So, if you’re feeling…

Time Mismanagement

Sometimes I wonder if I am the personification of procrastination. If I were to look up the definition for procrastination in a dictionary, I would genuinely not be surprised to see my own face grinning back at me. If procrastination were an Olympic sport, I would probably win the gold medal. If I ever got…

A Month Of Mondays

Today is the 7th January, which means that we’re a week into 2019. It also means that we’re almost a quarter of the way through January, which is good because January is an awful month and needs to be over as soon as possible. It’s obviously not January’s fault, you can’t blame an abstract measure…