Month: May 2016

The Time I Got Locked In The Toilet

  In January 2007 I got locked in a toilet. Not an actual toilet, that would be all kinds of weird. I’ve never seen fit to climb into an actual toilet. To be entirely accurate, I got locked in a room with a toilet in it. In the UK we often refer to that room…

Happy Blogiversary To Me!

It’s my Blogiversary Or should it be blogoversary? A google search suggests that either spelling is an acceptable way of describing the anniversary of the inception of a blog. Most of the blogs I read seem to go with ‘blogiversary’. So I’ll go with that too. Today it is exactly a year since I posted…

The Game

  Crispin looked at the board despairingly. There was nothing he could do. He had played into Franklin’s hands, and it was now just a matter of a few moves before inevitable defeat. He could cede the game now, but that was not Crispin’s way. If his late father had taught him anything, it was…