Month: September 2015

Brian’s Week

For day 13 of Writing 101 the idea was to tell a story through a series of vignettes. I’m not sure if I’ve managed this or not (being a little uncertain about what constitutes a vignette), but nonetheless I present the following story:

The Letter

Day 12 of Writing 101 was to attempt to write a post of a specific length. One suggestion was a 50-word story and I’ve never done one of those before so I thought I’d give it a go. See below for the astounding results… The Letter The paper glided confidently off her printer juxtaposing her…

Dear James

Dear James, You’ve fallen behind with ‘Writing 101’ again, when all you had to do was write a letter. It literally could have been to anyone and about anything. I know you were busy last Thursday , but seriously, couldn’t you have found a bit of time to just write a short satirical letter to…

It’s not all like Hogwarts…

Today’s Writing 101 task was to expand on an insightful comment that I had made on another person’s blog. All well and good, except I haven’t written too many comments on other people’s blogs in the last few weeks. I’ve barely kept up with writing posts for this blog.

Fulfilling my Quota

For today’s Writing 101 task, I need to produce something based on a quote. I do like a good quote, but I resent writing blog posts based on something clever that someone else said. People should be quoting me dammit!

Where does James Proclaim?

Today’s assignment on Writing 101 came in two parts. One part was to create a poll asking my readers for suggestions for me to write about in a future task. I haven’t done a poll but if anyone reading this has a burning desire to read my take on a particular topic then please comment below. The…

Keith’s Attic

I’ve fallen behind on Writing 101, but fortunately they give you the weekend off so I can catch up by posting Thursday’s assignment today and doing Friday’s assignment tomorrow. Thursday’s task was to write a post inspired by a picture. We were given a choice of four and I chose the one below. As I…

Why I Write

Hello readers of ‘James Proclaims’, whoever and wherever you may be. If you’re tuning in on a Monday then you’re probably looking for my ‘hilarious’ regular feature ‘James Complains’. But it’s not here. Instead there’s this. But what is ‘this’? Well I’ve only gone and signed up for another of those blogging courses that WordPress…

The Limerick Code

I feel a mild disclaimer is required for this particular piece of fiction. I hope it’s clear that I’m parodying a particular genre and everything below was written with tongue firmly in cheek. Nonetheless I can’t ignore the fact that this particular genre is quite popular commercially so I reserve the right to adopt ‘Professor…