Tag: boredom

Zooming Away To Another Meeting

I’m in a meeting as I write this. It is, as most meetings are these days, a ‘virtual’ meeting. I’m currently using Zoom. I have also used Teams quite a lot. I don’t like either very much. I’ve never written a blog post in a meeting before, however, as there are 42 people in this…

The Valentine’s Day Monotony

As I write this it’s Valentine’s Day. If you’re reading this on the day it actually hits my blog then it isn’t Valentine’s Day anymore because I’m intending to publish this post on Monday. Specifically Monday the 19th February. If you are reading this on Valentine’s Day then it is almost certainly not the same…

While You Were In We Thought You Were Out

One thing in life That I find quite frustrating Is when I have to spend time Endlessly waiting For something or someone That is due to arrive At an unspecified time Between 8 and 5 That’s quite a large window And it makes me feel stressed To spend a whole working day Under house arrest…

We Have No Time To Sit And Stare

As of tomorrow morning the Christmas holidays are officially over. In fact the tree and decorations are coming down today. I know that Twelfth Night is not for another few days so it might be a bit premature for me to be halting the festivities but frankly it is time. It is time because Mrs…

A Shred Of Hope

Brian had been on ‘shredding’ duties for over a week. It had just been him, the machine in a tiny room on the seventh floor, away from the comforts of his desk, the camaraderie of his colleagues and, more pertinently, a long way from the coffee machine.