Tag: ode

An Ode To Odes

I’m partial to an ode It’s not hard to see why Though it follows a code You only need comply With rules about the rhymes And it’s quite a simple scheme Though easy to get wrong Which we all do sometimes But the ode still reigns supreme When it can be sung like a song

An Ode To Writer’s Block

Today I lacked a muse There was nothing to inspire I searched the room for cues To lift me out the mire But of writer’s block cures There was not much to choose Nothing to light the fire So my writers block endures

A Stupid Ode To My Socks

Oh threadbare socks upon my feetWhat gripping stories could you tell?To hear them would be such a treatI bet they intrigue and compelYou have been here, you have been thereYou have walked down many a streetAnd you have acquired quite a smellSo I must switch to a new pair

An Ode To Wasting Time

There are many hours I spend Watching boxsets on my screen Though I don’t know to what end Because I can’t say that I’m keen The mis-en-scene is flawed And the acting is quite weak Yet I still sit and stare Completely under-awed Though one positive critique Is the comfort of my chair

Lost In A Bad Book

Oh paperback of little worth Why I bought you I do not know Within your plot there is a dearth Of a hint of narrative flow Clichés so bad they hurt my head Humour that leaves me without mirth I’ve gone as far as I can go And I will leave the rest unread

Ode To A Pod From A Coffee Snob

What would life be without the pod From which my coffee doth arrive? Of all of the cons considered mod It’s my favourite ogive For without the pod how could I Ensure my daily caffeine Without effort and commitment Of methods so slow they make me cry? But I suppose they are still less obscene…

Sofa So Good

Oh hallowed throne of relaxation I sit here in shallow content Though there may be some procrastination That wasn’t my intent For while I may have much to do Tasks I should complete I shall not achieve much today For I’m only on episode two Of a boxset that is quite a treat So on…

The Best Remedy

Breathing is hard and I’m feeling fragile Sporadic sneezing so unable to rest Seems like this virus is here for a while I’m not in fine fettle it’s fair to suggest But the medicine I need is obvious to me My woes disappear at the sight of your smile And even unwell I feel at…